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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-03 03:13:20  浏览:9715   来源:法律资料网
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序号 药品名称 规格 分类
1 九味黑蚁酒 每瓶装20毫升 甲
2 二母宁嗽丸 每10丸重1克 甲
3 二母宁嗽片 每片重0.55克 甲
4 三黄清解片 基片重0.2克 甲
5 口鼻清喷雾剂 每瓶装10毫升 甲
6 大黄通便胶囊 每粒装0.45克(相当于大黄流浸膏1毫升) 乙
7 川贝枇杷片 基片重0.2克 乙
8 川贝雪梨糖浆 每瓶装(1)50毫升(2)100毫升(3)250毫升 乙
9 川贝散 每袋装(1)2克(3)3克 乙
10 双刺杞口服液 每支装10毫升 乙
11 止咳梨煎膏 每瓶装200克 乙
12 牛黄清感胶囊 每粒装0.3克 甲
13 牛黄蛇胆川贝胶囊 每粒装(1)0.5克(大粒)(2)0.25克(小粒) 乙
14 风寒感冒宁颗粒 每袋装18克 乙
15 四季平安油 每瓶装(1)20毫升(2)35毫升 乙
16 外用止咳散 每袋装55克 乙
17 归杞乌鸡胶囊 每粒装0.36克 乙
18 玉蓉补肾口服液 每支10毫升 乙
19 白杏片 基片重0.3克 甲
20 白酱感冒颗粒 每袋装(1)17克(2)8克(低糖型) 乙
21 艾叶油胶囊 每粒装0.37克 甲
22 伤风止咳糖浆 每瓶装(1)60毫升(2)120毫升 甲
23 地黄润通口服液 每支装10毫升 乙
24 灯台叶片 基片重0.22克 甲
25 灰树花胶囊 每粒装0.25克 乙
26 百花膏 每瓶装150克 乙
27 百梅止咳糖浆 每瓶装100毫升 甲
28 竹沥合剂 每瓶装(1)15毫升(2)20毫升(3)30毫升 乙
29 至宝三鞭丸 小蜜丸每盒装6.25克 甲
30 芎芷止痛颗粒 每袋装7克 甲
31 虫草清肺胶囊 每粒装0.3克 甲
32 贞杞肝泰颗粒 每袋装10克 甲
33 杜羌络通酒 每瓶装250毫升 乙
34 杞天口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
35 杞蓉养血口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
36 沙棘丸 每丸重3克 甲
37 沙棘干乳剂 每袋装25克 甲
38 沙棘片 每片重0.5克 甲
39 沙棘籽油口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
40 沙棘籽油胶丸 每粒装(1)0.15克(2)0.30克(3)0.45克 甲
41 沙棘糖浆 每瓶装100毫升 甲
42 肠炎宁片 甲
43 肠炎宁糖浆 甲
44 肠泰合剂 每瓶装(1)100毫升(2)250毫升 甲
45 芪风固表颗粒 每袋装5克 乙
46 芪冬养血胶囊 每粒装0.4克 甲
47 芪枣健胃茶 每袋装5克 乙
48 苍莲感冒片 薄膜衣每片重0.26克(含对乙酰氨基酚80毫克) 甲
49 补肾生发药酒 每瓶装500毫升 乙
50 龟茸壮骨片 每片相当于原药材0.72克 甲
51 刺乌养心口服 每支装10毫升 甲
52 参苓健胃口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
53 参蛾温肾口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
54 杷叶润肺止咳膏 每瓶装(1)150克 (2)300克 甲
55 法半夏枇杷膏 每瓶120毫升 甲
56 罗汉果止咳片 基片重0.35克 乙
57 罗汉果止咳膏 每瓶装200克 乙
58 金贝痰咳清颗粒 每袋装7克 甲
59 金石感冒茶 每袋装8克 甲
60 金防感冒颗粒 每袋装15克(含对乙酰氨基酚0.28克) 甲
61 金银花颗粒 每袋装10克 乙
62 金感欣片 每片重0.5克 甲
63 青蒿油软胶囊 每粒装80毫克 甲
64 养血口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
65 养阴清肺丸 每100粒重10克 甲
66 咳特灵颗粒 每袋装10克 甲
67 咳喘安口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
68 咳舒糖浆 每瓶装(1)60毫升(2)100毫升(3)120毫升 甲
69 咳感康口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
70 复方丁香开胃贴 每贴(药丸)重1.2克 甲
71 复方川芎酊 每支装20毫升 甲
72 复方乌梅祛暑颗粒 每袋装10克 乙
73 复方太子参止咳益气散 每袋装2克 乙
74 复方止咳胶囊 每粒装0.5克 甲
75 复方贝母片 基片重0.3克 甲
76 复方红衣补血口服液 每支装10ml 甲
77 复方杜仲强腰酒 每瓶装(1)300毫升(2)500毫升 乙
78 复方芩兰口服液 每支装10毫升 乙
79 复方金连颗粒 每袋装5克 乙
80 复方咳喘胶囊 每粒装0.4克 甲
81 复方蚂蚁活络胶囊 每粒装0.3克 甲
82 复方高山红景天口服液 每支装10毫升 乙
83 复方感冒灵胶囊 每粒装0.5克(含对乙酰氨基酚84毫克) 甲
84 指迷茯苓丸 每50丸重3克 甲
85 枳陈消食口服液 每支装10毫升 乙
86 祛风通络酒 每瓶装(1)250毫升(2)500毫升 甲
87 胃乐新颗粒 每袋装5克 甲
88 茸芪益肾口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
89 蚁红通络口服液 每支10毫升 甲
90 香砂参术茶 每袋装2.5克 甲
91 香菊感冒颗粒 每袋装7.5克 乙
92 倍芪腹泻贴 每片重1.5克 甲
93 柴银感冒颗粒 每袋装(1)15克(2)6克(无蔗糖) 甲
94 桔贝止咳祛痰片 每片重0.46克 甲
95 桔香祛暑和胃茶 每块重2.5克 甲
96 海狗丸 每瓶装120粒 甲
97 润肺止咳合剂 每瓶装(1)10毫升(2)20毫升(3)100毫升 甲
98 润肺止咳胶囊 每粒装0.35克 甲
99 益气健脾口服液 每支10毫升 乙
100 益安宁 每18丸重3.1克 甲
101 脑灵片 甲
102 通宣理肺丸 每10丸重0.5克 甲
103 通宣理肺片 薄膜衣每片重0.3克 甲
104 通络止痛胶囊 每粒装0.4克 甲
105 速克感冒片 薄膜衣每片重0.26克 甲
106 梅花润肺口服液 每支含10毫升 甲
107 液体清凉油 每瓶装(1)3毫升 (2)6毫升 (3)9毫升 乙
108 银花芒果颗粒 每袋装15克 甲
109 银胡感冒散 药粉:每袋装2.2克;药油:每瓶装0.2毫升 甲
110 银翘片 薄膜衣片每片重0.35克 乙
111 银翘颗粒 每袋装10克 乙
112 麻杏止咳片 薄膜衣每片重0.26克 甲
113 麻杏止咳颗粒 每袋装5克 甲
114 麻姜颗粒 每袋装5克 甲
115 麻桂感冒丸 每丸重9克 甲
116 黄龙咳喘胶囊 每粒装0.3克 甲
117 景天五加颗粒 每袋装3克 甲
118 暑热康糖浆 (1)每支装10毫升(2)每瓶装100毫升 乙
119 温胃止痛膏 每片7厘米×10厘米 甲
120 滋阴润肠口服液 (1)每支装10毫升(2)每瓶装100毫升 乙
121 猴头菌片 甲
122 紫前膏 每瓶装200克 甲
123 紫桔止咳糖浆 每瓶装100毫升 甲
124 黑首生发颗粒 每袋装20克 乙
125 感冒灵片 薄膜衣每片重0.33克(每片含对乙酰氨基酚50毫 甲
126 感冒退热颗粒 每袋装2.25克 乙
127 感冒疏风颗粒 每袋装(1)10克(2)3克(无蔗糖) 甲
128 感愈胶囊 每粒装0.4克(含对乙酰氨基酚250毫克) 甲
129 楂麦健脾颗粒 每袋装10克 甲
130 腹可安片 甲
131 蓉杞参胶囊 每粒装0.28克 乙
132 蜂参益气锭 每锭10克 甲
133 慢支紫红丸 每瓶装(1)27克(约2700粒)(2)45克(约4500 甲
134 熊胆川贝口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
135 橘半止咳颗粒 每袋装11克 甲
136 橘红丸 每10丸重0.3克 甲
137 麝香醒神搽剂 每瓶装1毫升 乙


序号 药品名称 规格 分类
1 三七化痔丸 每瓶装30克 甲
2 虎参软膏 每支装60克 甲
3 复方蛇油烫伤膏 甲
4 活血益痔酊 每瓶装15毫升 甲


序号 药品名称 规格 分类
1 丹贞颗粒 每袋装5克 甲
2 乌鸡地黄胶囊 每粒装0.36克 甲
3 妇康口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
4 保妇康栓 每粒重1.74克(含莪术油80毫克) 甲
5 复方双花藤止痒搽剂 每瓶(支)装(1)150毫升,(2)80毫升,
(3)35毫升,(4)1毫升 乙
6 茜女胶囊 每粒装0.5克 甲
7 温经止痛膏 4厘米×6厘米 甲
8 温经颗粒 每袋装5克 甲
9 静心口服液 每支装15毫升 甲


序号 药品名称 规格 分类
1 丁桂儿脐贴 每贴重1.6克 甲
2 小儿健脾养胃颗粒 每袋装7克 甲
3 太子金颗粒 每袋装3克 甲
4 补肾壮骨口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
5 复方黄芪健脾口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
6 消食贴 直径4.5厘米圆形片状药膏 甲


序号 药品名称 规格 分类
1 甘果含片 每片重1.8克 甲
2 金莲花胶囊 每粒装0.35克 乙
3 复方余甘子利咽片 每片重1克 甲
4 复方鱼腥草合剂 每瓶装(1)10毫升(2)120毫升 甲
5 复方熊胆通鼻喷雾剂 每瓶装15毫升,每揿喷量0.07克以上 甲
6 益视颗粒 每袋装15克 甲
7 益鼻喷雾剂 每支15毫升 甲
8 疏风清热胶囊 每粒装0.35克 甲


序号 药品名称 规格 分类
1 三龙跌打酒 每瓶装30毫升 甲
2 三香化瘀膏 每贴净重25克 乙
3 双活止痛酊 每瓶装30毫升 甲
4 东乐膏 6厘米×9厘米 甲
5 正红花油 每瓶装(1)20毫升(2)35毫升 乙
6 龙血竭胶囊 每粒装0.3克 甲
7 复方南星止痛膏 10厘米×13厘米 甲
8 复方栀子止痛膏 每片6×10厘米 乙
9 姜红祛痛搽剂 每瓶装(1)10毫升(2)20毫升 乙
10 活血消痛酊 每瓶装60毫升 甲
11 活络油 每瓶装(1)20毫升(2)35毫升(3)50毫升 乙
12 狮马龙红花油 每瓶装25毫升 乙
13 狮马龙活络油 每瓶装(1)20毫升(2)40毫升 乙
14 蚝贝钙片(咀嚼片) 每片含钙(Ca)量为300毫克 甲
15 强力狮子油 每瓶装25毫升 甲
16 散痛舒片 每片相当于原药材1.0克 甲
17 舒颈合剂 每瓶装(1)50毫升(2)100毫升 甲
18 黑鬼豆油 每瓶装5毫升 乙
19 新型狗皮膏(改进型) 每张(1)2厘米×4.5厘米 (2)8厘米×4.5 甲
20 麝香祛痛气雾剂 每瓶内容物重72克,含药液56毫升 乙


序号 药品名称 规格 分类
1 参柏洗液 (1)100毫升(2)200毫升(3)300毫升 乙
2 除湿止痒洗液 每瓶装150毫升 乙
3 理气化瘀口服液 每支装10毫升 甲
4 痤疮涂膜剂 每支装(1)30克(2)60克 甲
5 舒乐搽剂 每瓶装200毫升 乙
6 解毒凉血合剂 (1)每支装10毫升(2)每瓶装100毫升 甲

下载地址: 点击此处下载





第一章 总则
第一条 为了规范锅炉、压力容器(含气瓶、医用氧舱,下同)和压力管道设备事故处理工作,加强锅炉、压力容器和压力管道的安全管理,保障人民生命和财产的安全,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《锅炉压力容器安全监察暂行条例》的有关规定,制定本规定。
第二条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道设备发生事故的报告、调查、处理和结案适用本规定。
第三条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道事故按设备损坏程度分为爆炸事故、严重损坏事故和一般损坏事故。
第四条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道爆炸事故死亡超过10人或受伤(包括急性中毒)超过50人的,由劳动部组织调查并负责结案工作。

第二章 事故报告
第五条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道发生事故后,事故发生单位应向当地劳动行政部门和主管部门报告。劳动行政部门应逐级向上级劳动行政部门报告,直至劳动部。
第六条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道事故应采取快报、月报和年报形式向劳动部报告。
第七条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道发生爆炸或造成人员伤亡、设备损坏事故后,事故发生单位应立即将发生事故设备的类别(锅炉、压力容器、压力管道)、事故类别、发生地点、时间(月、日、时、分)、人员伤亡和事故破坏简要情况采用快捷形式向当地劳动行政部门和主管部门报告。当地劳动行政部门应逐级向上一级劳动行政部门报告,直至劳动部。
第八条 省级劳动行政部门应在每月10日前,将所辖区域上月事故情况报告劳动部。
第九条 省级劳动行政部门应在每年1月31日前,将所辖区域上一年锅炉、压力容器和压力管道发生事故情况及结案情况以软盘等快捷方式报送劳动部。

第三章 事故调查和处理
第十条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道事故发生单位应采取措施抢救人员和防止事故扩大,并应保护好事故现场。
第十一条 事故调查组应由事故发生单位主管部门、劳动行政部门、当地人民检察院和工会的人员组成。并可根据事故调查的需要,邀请锅炉压力容器检验单位、科研单位以及大专院校有关专家参加。
第十二条 事故调查组应履行下列职责:
第十三条 事故调查结束后,事故调查组应填写事故调查报告书。
第十四条 事故调查组的负责人应将事故调查报告书送至组织调查该起事故的劳动行政部门。劳动行政部门应在收到事故调查报告书的15日内,对事故调查报告书进行认定,提出结论性意见。经认定的事故调查报告书方为有效。
第十五条 事故发生单位及其主管部门应根据经认定的事故调查报告书中的处理建议,对有关责任人员进行处理。
第十六条 事故处理结束后,事故发生单位或其主管部门应就对事故责任者的处理及防范措施落实等情况向组织该起事故调查的劳动行政部门写出书面报告。劳动行政部门应在收到书面报告30日内以书面形式批复结案。
第十七条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道事故处理应在事故发生之日起90日内结案。调查、分析难度较大的事故,结案期限经负责结案的劳动行政部门批准可以适当延长,但不得超过180日。

第四章 附则
第十八条 锅炉、压力容器和压力管道发生事故所造成的直接经济损失或人员伤亡达到《劳动部关于〈特别重大事故调查程序暂行规定〉有关条文解释》中界定的特别重大事故标准时,应按《国务院关于特别重大事故调查程序暂行规定》执行。
第十九条 违反本规定,事故发生后隐瞒不报、谎报或破坏事故现场的,由有关部门按国家有关规定,对责任单位负责人和直接责任人员给予行政处分。
第二十条 本规定自1997年10月1日起施行。1981年原国家劳动总局颁发的《锅炉压力容器事故报告办法》同时废止。

Provisions for Drug Advertisement Examination

State Food and Drug Administration,State Administration for Industry and Commerceof the People’s Republic of China

Provisions for Drug Advertisement Examination

(SFDA Decree No. 27)

The Provisions for Drug Advertisement Examination, adopted by the State Food and Drug Administration and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, is now issued in the decree sequence number of the State Food and Drug Administration. The Provisions shall go into effect as of the date of May 1, 2007.

Shao Mingli
State Food and Drug Administration

Zhou Bohua
State Administration for Industry and Commerceof the People’s Republic of China

March 13, 2007

Provisions for Drug Advertisement Examination

Article 1 The Provisions are formulated for the purposes of strengthening regulation on drug advertisements and ensuring the authenticity and legality of drug advertisements in accordance with the Advertisement Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Advertisement Law), the Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Drug Administration Law), the Regulations for the Implementation of Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Regulations for the Implementation of Drug Administration Law) and other regulations related to supervision on advertisements and drugs.

Article 2 A drug advertisement refers to any advertisement published through various media or forms containing drug name, indications (functions) or other relevant contents, and shall be examined and approved in accordance with the Provisions.

Where only the names of non-prescription drugs (including adopted names and trade names) are publicized or only the names of prescription drugs (including adopted names and trade names) are publicized in professional medical or pharmaceutical journals, the examination is not required.

Article 3 The drug advertisement applied for examination shall be approved provided that it conforms to the following laws, regulations and related provisions:
(1) Advertisement Law;
(2) Drug Administration Law;
(3) Regulations for Implementation of Drug Administration Law;
(4) Criteria for Examining and Publishing Drug Advertisement;
(5) Other provisions of the State on advertisement regulation.

Article 4 The drug regulatory departments of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government are the drug advertisement examination authorities responsible for examining drug advertisements within their administrative regions. The administrative departments for industry and commerce at or above the county level are supervision and control authorities for drug advertisements.

Article 5 The State Food and Drug Administration shall guide and supervise the examination conducted by drug advertisement examination authorities and punish, in accordance with law, the examination authorities that have violated the Provisions.

Article 6 An applicant for a drug advertisement approval number must be an eligible drug manufacturer or distributor. Where the applicant is a drug distributor, the consent of the drug manufacturer is required.

An applicant may entrust an agent with the application for a drug advertisement approval number.

Article 7 An application for a drug advertisement approval number shall be submitted to the drug advertisement examination authority in the place where the drug manufacturer is located.

An application for an import drug advertisement approval number shall be submitted to the drug advertisement examination authority in the place where the agent of the import drug is located.

Article 8 Where a drug manufacturer or distributor applies for a drug advertisement approval number, it shall submit an Application Form for Drug Advertisement (Appendix 1) with sample manuscript (sample film or sample record) of which the content is consistent with that to be published attached, and an electronic document of drug advertisement application. It shall also submit the following proof documents that are authentic, legal and valid:
(1) Copy of the Business License of the applicant;
(2) Copy of the Drug Manufacturing Certificate or the Drug Supply Certificate of the applicant;
(3) Where the applicant is a drug distributor, the original document proving that the drug manufacturer authorizes the drug distributor to be the applicant shall be submitted;
(4) Where an agent submits an application for a drug advertisement approval number on behalf of the applicant, an original authorization letter given by the applicant to the agent, a copy of business license of the agent and other documents proving the subject’s qualifications shall be submitted;
(5) Copies of the drug approval document (including Import Drug License or Pharmaceutical Product License), copy of approved insert sheet, and label and insert sheet used in practice;
(6) For non-prescription drug advertisement, a copy of registration certificate of non-prescription drug examination or copies of relevant certificates is required;
(7) Where an applicant applies for an import drug advertisement approval number, copies of qualification certificates of the agent of the import drug shall be submitted;
(8) Where the trade name, registered trademark and patent of the drug are involved in an advertisement, copies of the valid certificates and other relevant documents proving the authenticity of the advertisement shall be submitted.

The copy of any approval document prescribed in this Article shall be sealed by the document holder.

Article 9 An advertisement application by an enterprise for a drug shall not be accepted by the drug advertisement examination authorities under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Any of the circumstances under which the application shall be rejected as prescribed in Article 20, Article 22 and Article 23 of the Provisions;
(2) An administrative procedure to withdraw a drug advertisement approval number is in process.

Article 10 After receiving an application for drug advertisement approval number, where the dossier is complete and in conformity with statutory requirements, the drug advertisement examination authority shall issue an Acceptance Notice of Drug Advertisement; where the dossier is incomplete or not conforming to the statutory requirements, one notification on all the content to be supplemented or corrected shall be given to the applicant on the spot or within five working days; if the notification to the applicant is not issued within the timeline, the application is deemed as being accepted upon the date when the dossier is received.

Article 11 Within ten working days upon accepting an application, the drug advertisement examination authority shall check the authenticity, legality and validity of the documents submitted by the applicant, and shall examine the advertisement content in accordance with law. For the drug advertisement in conformity with statutory requirements, a drug advertisement approval number shall be issued; for those not in conformity with statutory requirements, the authority shall make a decision of not issuing a drug advertisement approval number and notify the applicant of the decision with reasons in written form and the applicant’s right to apply for administrative reconsideration or to bring an administrative suit by law.

For approved drug advertisement, the drug advertisement examination authority shall report to the State Food and Drug Administration for records and send the approved Application Form for Drug Advertisement to the authority responsible for advertisement supervision and control at the same level for records. Where there is any problem in the drug advertisement reported to the State Food and Drug Administration for records, the State Food and Drug Administration shall instruct the drug advertisement examination authority to correct it.

The drug regulatory departments shall announce the approved drug advertisement timely.

Article 12 Where a drug advertisement is to be published in the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government other than the place where the drug manufacturer and the agent of the import drug are located (hereinafter referred to as “non-local drug advertisement”), it shall, before being published, be submitted for records to the drug advertisement examination authority in the place where the advertisement is to be published.

Article 13 The following materials for non-local drug advertisement shall be submitted for record:
(1) Copy of the Application Form for Drug Advertisement;
(2) Copy of the approved drug insert sheet;
(3) For television or audio broadcast advertisement, it is required to submit the audio tape, compact disc or other medium carrier on which the content is consistent with the approved content.

The copy of any document prescribed in this Article shall be sealed by the document holder.

Article 14 For application for putting non-local drug advertisement on record in accordance with Articles 12 and Article 13 of the Provisions, the drug advertisement examination authority shall, within five working days after accepting the application, put such drug advertisement on record, endorse the word “recorded” on the Application Form for Drug Advertisement, affix the seal specific for drug advertisement examination and send the form to the supervision and control authorities for advertisements at the same level for future reference.

Where the drug advertisement examination authority of a place where a drug advertisement is to be put on record finds that the drug advertisement is not conformed with the relevant provisions, it shall fill in the Opinion on the Record of Drug Advertisement Examination (Appendix 2), submit it to the original drug advertisement examination authority for check, and copy it to the State Food and Drug Administration.

Within five working days upon receiving the Opinion on the Record of Drug Advertisement Examination, the original drug advertisement examination authority shall give its opinions to the drug advertisement examination authority of the place where the drug advertisement is to be put on record. Where no consensus is achieved between the original drug advertisement examination authority and the drug advertisement examination authority of the place where a drug advertisement is to be put on record, the case may be submitted to the State Food and Drug Administration that shall make a final judgment.

Article 15 The valid term of a drug advertisement approval number is one year. It shall become invalid upon expiration.

Article 16 The content of an approved drug advertisement is not allowed to be changed when being published. Where any change to the drug advertisement is needed, a new drug advertisement approval number shall be obtained.

Article 17 Where an advertisement applicant publishes a drug advertisement by itself, it shall keep the original Application Form for Drug Advertisement for two years for future check.

Where an advertisement publisher or advertising operator is authorized by the applicant to publish a drug advertisement, it shall check the original Application Form for Drug Advertisement, publish the advertisement in accordance with the approved content and keep a copy of the Applicant Form for Drug Advertisement for two years for future check.

Article 18 Where there is any of the following circumstances for an approved drug advertisement, the original drug advertisement examination authority shall issue a Notice of Drug Advertisement Re-examination (Appendix 3) and conduct the re-examination. The drug advertisement may continue to be published during the re-examination.

(1) The State Food and Drug Administration finds that the content of the drug advertisement approved by the drug advertisement examination authority is not in conformity with the provisions;
(2) A supervision and control authority for advertisement at or above provincial level makes a re-examination proposal;
(3) Other circumstances where a re-examination is required by a drug advertisement examination authority.

After re-examination, where the drug advertisement is not in conformity to the statutory requirements, the Application Form for Drug Advertisement shall be taken back and the original drug advertisement approval number shall become invalid.

Article 19 Drug advertisement examination authorities shall cancel the drug advertisement approval number in any of the following circumstances:
(1) Where a Drug Manufacturing Certificate or the Drug Supply Certificate is revoked;
(2) Where a drug approval document is withdrawn or cancelled;
(3) Where the State Food and Drug Administration or the drug regulatory department of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government instructs to stop the production, sales and use of the drug.

Article 20 For any alteration to the approved content of a drug advertisement for false propaganda, the drug regulatory departments shall instruct to stop the publication of the advertisement immediately, revoke the drug advertisement approval number, and shall not accept any application for advertisement of the drug within one year.

Article 21 Where any illegal advertisement in which the scope of indications (functions) of the drug is expanded without authorization, the therapeutic effectiveness is exaggerated extremely, or which seriously cheats or misleads the customers, is found, the drug regulatory department at or above the provincial level shall take mandatory administrative measures to suspend the sales of the drug within their administrative area and order the enterprise that illegally publishes the drug advertisement to issue a correction notice in relevant local media.

After the enterprise that illegally publishes the drug advertisement issues a correction notice as required, the drug regulatory department at or above the provincial level shall make a decision on lifting the mandatory administrative measures within 15 working days; where it is necessary to test the drug, the drug regulatory departments shall determine whether to lift the mandatory administrative measures within 15 days as from the day when the test report is issued.

Article 22 Where a drug advertisement application providing false materials is found by the drug advertisement examination authority during the examination, no further application of the enterprise in respect of the advertisement of the drug shall be accepted within one year.

Article 23 Where a drug advertisement with an approval number is found by the drug advertisement examination authority to have provided false materials, such drug advertisement approval number shall be revoked and no further application from the enterprise in respect of the advertisement of the drug shall be accepted within three years.

Article 24 Any drug advertisement, of which the approval number is taken back, cancelled or revoked in accordance with Article 18, Article 19, Article 20 and Article 23 of the Provisions, shall be discontinued for publication immediately; non-local drug advertisement examination authorities shall stop filing the record of the advertisement of the enterprise with the drug advertisement approval number.

Where a drug advertisement examination authority takes back, cancels or withdraws a drug advertisement approval number in accordance with Article 18, Article 19, Article 20 and Article 23 of the Provisions, it shall notify the supervision and control authority for advertisements at the same level within five working days from the day when the administrative decision on the matter is made; the supervision and control authority for advertisements shall handle it in accordance with law.

Article 25 Where a non-local drug advertisement is found not put on record in the drug advertisement examination authority of the place where it is published, the authority shall instruct to file its record within a time limit. If the record is not filed within the time limit, the drug advertisement in the above-mentioned place shall be suspended.

Article 26 The drug regulatory department at or above the county level shall monitor and check the publishing of drug advertisement that has been examined and approved. For any illegal drug advertisements, drug regulatory departments at all levels shall fill in the Notice on the Transfer of Illegal Drug Advertisement (Appendix 4) and transfer it to an supervision and control authority for advertisements at the same level together with such materials as samples of illegal drug advertisement; where the content of approved non-local drug advertisement is altered without permission, the drug advertisement examination authority of the place where the advertisement is published shall advise the original drug advertisement examination authority to revoke its approval number in accordance with Article 92 of the Drug Administration Law and Article 20 of the Provisions.

Article 27 Where an illegal drug advertisement is published and the circumstances are serious, the drug regulatory department of province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall announce the matter to the public and timely report it to the State Food and Drug Administration. The State Food and Drug Administration shall summarize and release the collected information periodically.

Where any false or illegal drug advertisement is published and the circumstances are serious, it shall be announced to the public jointly by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the State Food and Drug Administration if necessary.

Article 28 For any drug advertisement published without approval, or the contents published inconsistent with the approved ones, the supervision and control authority for advertisements shall impose a punishment in accordance with Article 43 of the Advertisement Law; where it constitutes false advertisement or misleading propaganda, the supervision and control authorities for advertisements shall impose a punishment in accordance with Article 37 of the Advertisement Law and Article 24 of Anti-Unfair Competitions Law.

In the process of investigation of an illegal drug advertisement, where there is a need to affirm any drug technical information, the supervision and control authority for advertisements shall notify the drug regulatory department at or above the provincial level. The drug regulatory department at or above the provincial level shall give the affirmation result to the supervision and control authorities for advertisements within ten working days after receiving the notification.

Article 29 The staff members that examine and supervise drug advertisements shall be trained in such laws and regulations as the Advertisement Law and the Drug Administration Law. Where the staff members in drug advertisement examination department or in supervision and control authority for drug advertisements neglect their duty, abuse their power, or practice favoritism and commit irregularities, they shall be given an administrative sanction in accordance with law. If a crime is constituted, they shall be investigated for their criminal liabilities in accordance with law.

Article 30 A drug advertisement approval number shall be “X Yao Guang Shen (Shi) No. 0000000000", “X Yao Guang Shen (Sheng) No. 0000000000", “X Yao Guang Shen (Wen) No. 0000000000". “X” is the abbreviation for a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. “0000000000” is a number with ten digits, in which the first six represent year and month of the examination, and the last four represent advertisement approval sequence number. “Shi”, “Sheng” or “Wen” represents certain classification code used in advertising media.

Article 31 These Provisions shall come into force as of May 1, 2007. The Provisions for Drug Advertisement Examination issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Health (Decree of State Administration for Industry and Commerce No. 25) on March 22, 1995 shall be annulled therefrom.